School Profile

At Paraclete, our goal is to educate young men and women in a safe and religious environment. Our students are given ample opportunity to participate in extra curricular activities. When students leave Paraclete they are able to succeed in college while having the social skills necessary to adapt to real world problems.

71% of students at Paraclete are involved in a campus club

31% are actively involved in ASB (Associated Student Body)

49% of students play at least one sport

Paraclete has a 100% graduation rate

98% of our Seniors go on to college

72% go on to a four year university

The Senior class was offered over $3 million dollars in grants and scholarships.

Colleges that Paraclete Alumni are currently attending

  • Harvard, USC, Pepperdine
  • Stanford, UCLA, St. John’s
  • Purdue, UCSB, Dartmouth, Cornell
  • John Hopkins, UC Berkely, MIT
  • Yale, UC San Diego, Loyola Marymount
  • Texas A&M, UC Irvine, Cal State Northridge
  • Penn State, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
  • West Point, Duke, Boise State
  • Notre Dame, Arizona State, Air Force Academy
  • Oregon State, University of Florida, The Master’s College